Evacuation Chair Training

in-person, at your workplace

If you have an Evacuation Chair in your building, you will need to have staff who are appropriately trained to use it.

If your building has a lift that allows for access to the floor above ground or indeed a floor below ground and the lift is not a fire-rated lift (i.e. not to be used in the event of a fire), then you require a form of evacuation aid to help people with disabilities (which may include mobility issues). One of the best evacuation aids to assist in the movement of such people is a device called an evacuation chair.

£480+ vat for up to 8 candidates per course.

No additional candidates for this course.

Evacuation chairs may come in different forms, ranging from those designed to descend stairs or those such as climber chairs which can be used to ascend stairs (and both of which chair types may also form part of a business continuity plan in the event of a lift failure). A good example of this scenario would be in a care home with a single lift which has failed and where residents still need to get up and down the stairs but may have mobility issues in doing so.

Why Choose Benfield Fire Safety's in-person, hands-on Evacuation Chair Training?

Course Content :

Evacuation Chair Training F.A.Q's

Do you provide Evacuation Chair training online?

No. This training needs to be provided face-to-face to enable staff to get hands-on with the evacuation chair on your premises. Staff need to ensure and demonstrate confidence in using the chair as part of this training service. We can deliver this hands-on training in Kent, East Sussex, London, West Sussex, Hampshire, Surrey, Wiltshire, Dorset, and West Country.

Why must my staff have Evacuation Chair training?

This training is a requirement set out by The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. If disabled people are on your premises, the responsible person must ensure arrangements are put in place to take account of all people on the premises when considering fire.

How long does the Evacuation Chair training last for?

Our training and competency certificate is valid for 2 years. 

Are there any pre-requisites for this level of training?

There are no pre-requisites for this training.

Can my new member of staff bring their previous training for this over from their previous employment?

Yes, But you will need to establish if the evacuation chair training was on a chair relevant to their previous workplace and if you have the same chair type. Always ensure they also have an in-date training certificate.

Can I use an alternative evacuation aid such as a mat or sledge as they are often cheaper?

Yes, you can. There are other devices available such as mats and sledges, but you should consider which evacuation aid is most suitable for your environment.

£480+ vat for up to 8 candidates per course.

No additional candidates for this course.

Fire Risk Assessments for Residential Premises

Benfield Fire Safety offer Type 1 & Type 3 assessments (ie non-destructive assessments) for residential buildings - see notes below on What are the types of Fire Risk Assessments for Residential Buildings. Every business premises is different - we therefore provide a bespoke costing for each premises

Enquiry Form - Fire Risk Assessment, Residential Premises:

Company address:
Address of premises to be fire risk assessed:
I require quotation for:
When do you need your Fire Risk Assessment to be undertaken?

Fire Risk Assessments for Business Premises

Every business premises is different - we therefore provide a bespoke costing for each premises

Enquiry Form - Fire Risk Assessment for a business premises:

Company address:
Address of premises to be fire risk assessed:


The real thing … practice with our real live flame simulator

Controlled and supervised by our experienced instructors, this is real practice at putting out a real fire.

We simply need at your workspace:


Practice your strategy whilst being eco friendly!

Our digital simulator with smoke goggle enhancement requires your staff to practice the correct choice of extinguisher and the correct extinguishing technique to extinguish the flame successfully. Feedback from our instructor will help your staff to make decisions and dynamically assess the situation. It is a chance for your staff to practice the full sequence of door checks before entering a room, keeping themselves safe by protecting their eyes and closing doors behind them.

A great way to empower your staff to know what to do in their own workplace, and suitable for training whatever the weather!

We simply need at your workplace: